Today started 185 lbs. weekend with the kids. I'm always amazed at how lonely I get and how much I miss them when they're gone now. 185 lbs. used to take the kids out of town all the time when we were together and I relished in the alone time--even looked forward to it. Now I dread it and can't wait for it to be over.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of single friends. I live in the middle of "perfect town." Almost every house has two Caucasian married Christian (high percentage of those Mormon) couples with at least 2 children. Most of the dads are the typical dad who's around when needed, but is mostly working. The moms are mostly blonde, beautiful stay-at-home moms and the kids are dressed in their designer clothes and are expected to look and act perfect.
The few single friends I have, one is a single mom of Cupcake's best friend. She has limited contact with M's dad and has full custody (meaning he doesn't even have visitation rights) not to mention a job that requires her to work pretty much every weekend. The other friend is the mom of Snickerdoodle's best friend and her situation is semi-similar except that she works crazy days/nights and I'll admit that she's hard to socialize with right now because she had a pretty messy divorce which left her bitter--5 years later.
I guess I need to find a hobby (besides photography, scrapbooking, reading...) which will help me take my mind off the loneliness. Any ideas?
Running Update - I failed miserably today. I took all the kids to school and then attempted to run at 8am. I ran out of steam really early--I only lasted one set of 60 seconds--and then there were so many people around (which we all know I hate running in front of people because it's embarrassing that I can't even run for 60 seconds) that I ended up calling it quits halfway through the program. I did walk the rest of the path so I covered the same distance I just didn't get the run part of it. Now I don't know what to do. I can honestly say that I still hate running.
August 21 - 19,538 steps
9,409 aerobic
693 calories
8.01 miles